CES 2024

Not much stuck this year. As in the past at the WMC (formerly known as 3GSM world congress), there was one omnipresent buzzword – and this year that was, of course, AI. What began as a consumer fair developed into a freak show: heavy equipment like something out of a dystopian movie

An AI-augmented “maturbation device” by Svakom, a China-headquartered sex toy maker, introduced its latest device that vibrates or moves in sync with whatever video content the user is watching and an AI-powered “stimulation device” for controlling ejaculation.
If you are interested check out https://myhixel.com/products/myhixel-control and follow here for the science behind it https://myhixel.com/pages/science-myhixel.

I did not test either one.

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Virtual fashion


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Business design


1. Company builder
Das Company-Building ist eine bestimmte Form der Unternehmensgründung, die sich dadurch auszeichnet, dass ein Investor von Beginn an am Entstehungsprozess des Unternehmens beteiligt ist. Ziel des Investors ist es, mit möglichst wenigen Mitteln ein profitables Unternehmen zu erschaffen. Company-Builder unterscheiden sich eindeutig von Inkubator- und Accelerator-Programmen: Sie sind in die Unternehmensentwicklung über alle Wachstumsphasen hinweg tief involviert.

2. Günter Faltin, Kopf schlägt Kapital

Ausschlaggebend ist nicht die Qualität einer Erfindung oder Technologie, sondern ihre Akzeptanz im Markt.

S. 56

eine Technologie ist noch kein ausreichendes Konzept für eine erfolgreiche Unternehmensgründung

S. 56

Forschung folgt einer anderen Logik als der Markt. Forschungs- und Marktlogik sind nicht kongruent.

S. 57

In der Vergangenheit funktionierte das Modell Erfinder/Kaufmann recht gut. In den Märkten des 19. und 20. Jahrhunderts stand die Produktion im Mittelpunkt… Ökonomen sprechen hier angebotsorientierten Märkten.

Heute ist der Engpass nicht mehr die Produktion, sondern die Nachfrage. … Man spricht daher von nachfrageorientierten Märkten.

S. 59

ehrheblicher Marktvorteil
deutlich erkennbar

Eine technologische Innovation, sagen Mitchell und Coles (The ultimate competitive advantage of continuing business model innovation), gebe einem Unternehmen höchstens einen Vorsprung von sechs bis zwölf Monaten; ein Vorteil im Konzept könne sich länger auswirken, vor allem, wenn man es kontinuierlich weiterentwickle:
New technologies often experience the same fate of being quickly negated instead of creating lasting competitive advantage. As Robert L. Bailey, chairman and CEO of PMC- Sierra, recently observed, “Technological innovation gives a company a six-to-12 month advantage at most. A business model advantage can last years, potentially yielding a dominant franchise.”

Donald W. Mitchell and Carol Bruckner Coles:
Business model innovation breakthrough moves

In 1992, we began look for best practices each year at the 100 companies whose stock prices grew fastest under the same CEO in the prior three years. We soon noticed that repeating companies frequently changed their business models to create new competitive advantages. This was counter-intuitive to us. Our earlier studies of best practices had shown that such successful advantaged model changes by the same company were infrequent.

What is business model innovation?

A business model is the combination of “who”, “what”, “when”, “where”, “why”, “how”, and “how much” an organization uses to provide its goods and services and develop resources to continue its efforts. A business model replacement improves performance in at least four of these business model elements versus the competition to create sustained enhancements in company earnings, cash ̄ow and revenues. By business model innovation, we mean business model replacements that provide product or service offerings to customers and end users that were not previously available. We also refer to the process of developing these novel replacements as business model innovation.

One of our other surprises was to find that those companies that led in operating cost reduction activities were less likely to become continuing business model innovators. It seems as though becoming more efficient with an existing business model tends to increase the inertia around maintaining that existing model. By contrast, the improved business models we studied gained industry position and reduced costs much faster than the companies that worked on the efficiency of existing business models.

Faltin schließt: “Aus diesen Überlegungen folgt im Grunde paradoxerweise, dass die Überlebenschancen steigen, wenn die Gründung gerade nicht auf eigene Hightech-Entwicklung setzt.” S. 63

“Je geringer der Finanzierungsaufwand ist, den Ihr Entrepreneurial Design erfordert, umso besser für Sie.”

“Das Marketing entsteht bei der Entwicklung des Konzepts, darf nicht erst im Nachhinein hinzugefügt werden. Marketing ist ein integraler Bestandteil eines guten Konzepts.” S. 64

If you go through hell, keep going (Winston Churchill?)


However, there’s a fair chance that Churchill never said the quote Musk attributed to him. The Quote Investigator blog references a Winston Churchill publication that in 2009 declared that the “going through hell” quote is “not by Churchill, or at least not verifiable in any of the 50 million published words by and about him.” The blog argues that the line can be best traced back to a 1990 newspaper profile of a self-help author.)

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German Design Award at Ambiente


Ambiente ist die größte Konsumgütermesse außerhalb Asiens. Die Messe findet jährlich im Februar in den Messehallen in Frankfurt am Main statt. Sie besteht aus den Produktbereichen “Living”, “Giving” und “Dining”.

Was Technologie angeht ist sie (noch) relativ unverdächtig. Sie ist aber ein guter Indikator, was im Lifestyle-Bereich passiert und es lässt sich schon eine gewisse Zunahme der Durchdringung von Technologie erkennen.

Sie dient auch als Rahmen für die Verleihung des German Design Awards. Auch hier ist die zunehmende Tech-Durchdringung wahrnehmbar.

“In Sachen Trends sehe ich vor allem eins hier: Es wird immer digitaler, in vielen Bereichen! Technik für den Menschen gut nutzbar zu machen, ist ein großes Thema im aktuellen Design.”

Jurymitglied Dina Gallo, Leitung Designmanagement TRUMPF


Vergeben wird der German Design Award vom Rat für Formgebung, der deutschen Marken- und Designinstanz. Sein Auftrag von höchster Stelle: das deutsche Designgeschehen zu repräsentieren. 1953 auf Initiative des Deutschen Bundestages als Stiftung gegründet, unterstützt er die Wirtschaft dabei, konsequent Markenmehrwert durch Design zu erzielen.

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Esports: State of the union

As technology advances it will regularly effect our culture over time, a perfect example of this change can be seen in the recent surge in the popularity of esports. The rapid growth of esports results in a unique culture of gamers. The next generation is huge, with more and more kids understanding that they can compete professionally even if they are not the most athletic person.

In a 2017 article from FT I found the following:
“Perception is everything,” says Alex Lim, secretary-general of the International e-Sports Federation, and point man for an audacious bid to have the genre recognised as an Olympic event by 2024. “One generation grew up kicking a ball in the back yard, the next grew up with choices that included games. We live in a digital culture that most people accept is redefining a whole range of things: sport is one of them.”

In the tech world, the future is hard to gauge because behaviours change so fast. Consider the famous clip from 2007 of Microsoft’s Steve Ballmer laughing out loud at the notion of someone spending $500 on an iPhone. But this much seems certain: sports culture is changing in a profound way, and we have to imagine what the future could look like. Fortnite’s Marshmello concert is a glimps into that future: More than 11 million gamers were watching the 10min live gig. The show on February 2, 2019 was an absolute blast for players from all around the world, as they were able to drop into the Battle Royale island and witness a free concert. Players who joined in the virtual mosh-pit were offered Marshmello-themed skins and emotes, as well as a special “Marshy Smasher” pickaxe. Though it has not been the “first-ever live performance in a video game”, it illustrates what is around the corner.

After the social media footprint of the crossover has been assessed, it has been incredible successful for the anonymous DJ/producer. In a LinkedIn blog post, royalty analyst Jose Arroyo highlighted some of the more compelling figures resulting from Party in Pleasant Park. He writes that Marshmello’s YouTube channel amassed 699,000 new subscribers the day after the event, a roughly 1,800% increase over his January average daily subscription figure of 37,000. In addition, his YouTube views per day increased from 7.8 million to 42.8 million – or roughly 500%.



Fortnite’s most significant achievement may be the role it has come to play in the lives of millions. For these players, Fortnite has become a daily social square – a digital mall or virtual afterschool meetup that spans neighborhoods, cities, countries and continents. This role is powered by Fortnite’s free availability, robust voice chat, cross-platform functionality, and collaborative gameplay. Accordingly, examples abound of kids, adults and families simply hanging out or catching up on Fortnite while they play. Studies find that Fortnite’s players spend one to one and a half hours per day in the game, versus thirty minutes for active Snapchat or Instagram users. Fortnite wasn’t designed to be a Second Life-style experience, or even a digital “third place“; it became one organically. What’s more, it is drastically out-monetizing dedicated social squares such as Facebook, Snapchat and Instagram – even combined.

Redef has a great analysis. Here are the essentials:
For all of Fortnite’s success, Epic still defines itself as being in the game engine business. In August 2018, Epic announced plans to distribute Fortnite on Android devices outside the Google Play store (thereby avoiding its 30% commission). To this end, Epic announced the launch of its own direct-to-consumer digital store three months after its decision to circumvent the Google Play Store – one with a mere 12% royalty (or inclusive of Epic’s 5% Unreal licensing fee, if used). Notably, rumors persist that Sweeney had fought for even lower fees, but settled with his board at 12% – a sum he himself admits doesn’t always cover operating costs. Regardless, the Epic Games Store reflects a desire to use Fortnite’s 200MM+ accounts together with Epic’s balance sheet and game engine to become a new, ecosystem-centric platform…a goal consistent with an enduring obsession of Sweeney’s: the Metaverse.

The term “Metaverse” stems from Neal Stephenson’s 1992 novel Snow Crash, and describes a collective virtual shared space that’s created by the convergence of virtually enhanced physical reality and persistent virtual space. In its fullest form, the Metaverse experience would span most, if not all virtual words, be foundational to real-world AR experiences and interactions, and would serve as an equivalent “digital” reality where all “physical” humans would simultaneously co-exist. It is an evolution of the Internet. More commonly, the Metaverse is understood to resemble the world describe by Ernest Cline’s Ready Player One (brought to film by Steven Spielberg in 2018). To this end, a crucial difference between a vibrant game, including Fortnite, and the Metaverse is that the latter “should not simply be a means for the developer to suck money out of the users. It should be a bi-directional thing where users participate. Some pay, some sell, some buy, and there’s a real economy….in which everybody can be rewarded for participating in many different ways”, to further quote Sweeney (A semblance of this has existed for more than twenty years in so-called “Gold Farming”, where players, often employed by a larger company and typically in lower-income countries, would spend a work-day collecting digital resources for sale inside or outside of a game). To Sweeney, the Metaverse represents the “next version” of the Internet – a matter of when, not if. Furthermore, he believes the core technology will soon be available: “The big thing we are lacking now,” he said, “are the ‘deep inputs’ that come from inward- and outward-looking cameras that can capture our facial expressions as well as the environment around us… That technology has already been proven to work at a high-end commercial level costing tens of thousands of dollars. It’s probably as little as three years away.”

The impending possibility (and broader inevitability) of the Metaverse is separate from whether Epic can, should or will pursue it. But it’s clear that Sweeney wants to build an open Metaverse before someone else builds a closed one. Many are trying.

Sweeney speaks of the Metaverse in terms of its capabilities to connect humans in new ways. Mark Zuckerberg has often said the same, which was why he acquired Oculus: “Strategically we want to start building the next major computing platform that will come after mobile. There are not many things that are candidates to be the next major computing platform… [Oculus is a] long-term bet on the future of computing…. Immersive virtual and augmented reality will become a part of people’s everyday life.”




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Next exit: Geneva

Geneva Motor Show 2019

To cut it short, the crisis is actually real. Spacious meeting zones, exhibition space… is this the start of the end? I guess it is

Other than that, no surprises. Except one : Piech

Der Piëch Mark Zero trägt einen berühmten Markennamen – von Anton „Toni“ Piëch, einem Sohn von Ex-VW-Chef Ferdinand Piëch. Ein Elektro-Sportwagen der 500 Kilometer weit kommen soll und mit einer neuen Zelltechnik aus China superschnell geladen werden soll. Anton Piëch und Rea Stark Rajcic sind angetreten zu zeigen, dass es geht. Ihr Piëch Mark Zero soll weniger als 1.800 Kilogramm wiegen. Gleichzeitig erklärt Piëch, dass der rein elektrisch fahrende GT nach WLTP mit einer Ladung 500 Kilometer weit kommen soll.

Der Stand war überzeugend. Die Präsentation auch. Ich habe viele Designer anderer Marken gesprochen. Jeder hatte etwas am Design auszusetzen– ein gutes Zeichen.

Mehr gibt es nicht über die Messe zu sagen. Das ist die eigentliche Nachricht.


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CES 2019


CES is the world’s gathering place for all those who thrive on the business of consumer technologies. It has served as the proving ground for innovators and breakthrough technologies for 50 years — the global stage where next-generation innovations are introduced to the marketplace. Owned and produced by the Consumer Technology Association (CTA), it attracts the world’s business leaders and pioneering thinkers.


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Automotive next

Die Automobilbranche steht vor zwei fundamentalen Aufgaben. Sie muss die großen Fragen (mit)beantworten und Visionen gestalten. Die traditionellen Hersteller müssen sich dabei von der Technologie-Fixierung lösen und permanent erinnern, dass es nicht darum geht, was bestimmte Technologien vermögen und bewirken, sondern wie sich Lebensbereiche verändern und welche Anforderungen sich ergeben.

Electronics and software will play a dominant role in vehicle innovation. Approximately 90 percent of automotive innovations in 2012 already featured electronics and software, especially in active safety and infotainment options. Since those capabilities will be crucial, OEMs should consider solutions like developing “vertical partnerships” with their preferred suppliers. These would allow OEMs to cut R&D costs while also developing and implementing new features faster.

However the automotive industry will have to come to grips with the fact that technology innovation has become/will increasingly become a commodity: It will be the experience and an underlying platform economy model.

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Protected: What will happen

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Digital detox

Is it time? Is the party over? SXSW, Handelsblatt, my “Freundeskreis”, myself… digitale Vergiftung als 4. Feld?

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